Pre Order

When Pre-Ordering stock, you will need to pay for the item in full. Please click on Pre Order delivery at checkout and we will ship the scooter to you at the earliest opportunity.

All of the scooters that are available for pre order should be in stock on the date shown on the product page on the site. This is an approximate date, and this may vary slightly which is out of our control. We will however keep you informed along the way.

We will email you as soon as the scooter arrives, and we will let you know when we have dispatched the scooter to you and supply tracking numbers where relevant.

If you would like a refund at any point before the scooter is shipped to you, please do get in touch: and we will be able to refund you provided the scooter has not been dispatched, once dispatched we are only able to offer a partial refund less a re-stocking fee of 10%.

Easy Commute

Do you spend a lot of time commuting on the underground or walking to work? Are you looking for something light, manoeuvrable and compact enough to fold and carry?

Family Time

Running after your kids on their bikes gets harder the older they get. Make it a bit easier for yourself and more fun for the whole family. 

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Adrenaline Madness 

Do you want a bit of adrenaline madness, we have plenty of those to choose from whether it’s for off-road scooting or you want a bit of speed along your journey?